forest fire

Forest Fire – Techgig, All testcases passed. Challenge #1

Forest FireĀ (100 Marks) Challenge 1: Forest fire You are camping in a forest area at night. You are living with the forest officers to experience their challenges…

the magic wand

The Magic Wand – TechGig PHP answer, all test cases passed. Challenge #2

The Magic Wand – TechGig PHP answer – all testcases passed The Magic Wand (100 Marks) You are a wizard who possesses the magic wand that can be…

PHP interview Questions and Answers

What is PHP? Answer: PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a widely used server-side scripting language primarily designed for web development. PHP code is embedded within…

install php

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Install PHP

Install PHP : A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Install PHP Introduction: PHP is a widely used server-side scripting language that powers countless websites and web applications….

what is php

What is PHP? Understanding PHP: The Powerhouse of Web Development

Introduction: What is PHP? Understanding PHP: The Powerhouse of Web Development: In the world of web development, PHP stands tall as one of the most widely-used and…

php form

Complete Php form example

Here we are going to check how to create a php form and insert its values to database table. In this example we will be submitting the…

non-integer values from an array

Removing strings or non-integer values from an array in PHP – Simple and Easy Method

Removing non-integer entries from array in php Here we are going to discuss how to remove strings or non-integer values from an array in php. For this…

reverse string

Reverse String – Qawall

Write a program to reverse string in php We can reverse string in php using the php string function strrev() and without using the string function. Let’s…

palindrome number in php

Palindrome Number In PHP – simple and easy method

Write a program to find the number is Palindrome number in PHP A number is called Palindrome when its reverse is same as the orginal number. Eg:-…

fibonacci series

Fibonacci Series

Write a program to find the fibonacci series in php. In Fibonacci series each number is the sum of the preceding ones. Eg:- 0 1 1 2…